Bonjour et bienvenue! I’m Barb, and I’m so happy you are here.
I created this blog initially to help me cope with the death of my youngest son. It helped me get out of my head, which I can tell you is a very good thing!
Grief is a complicated thing. There are different layers always waiting to reveal themselves. The good news is – ta-da, I know I have a Guardian Angel, and we will be reunited someday. He loved the old website/blog. I know he would approve of this, especially the name.
Years ago, I lived in the Netherlands (as an exchange student) and Luzern, Switzerland (American Fashion College to pursue a degree in Fashion Journalism). Upon my return to the US, I began a long career in the Luxury Beauty Industry (EL Companies) in the education department of both Clinique Labs and Prescriptives. I worked with and met some extraordinary people in the cosmetic, fashion, photography, and retail industries, as well as the medical profession—true Legends with a capital L. My job was demanding and involved an incredible amount of travel, and I grew by leaps and bounds, relocating from Michigan to Los Angeles, Seattle, and Phoenix.
I dabbled a bit after leaving the beauty biz and decided to start an online business sourcing goodies from the markets in Europe and creating my own embroidered ‘future’ heirlooms. This satisfied several passions: retail therapy, travel, and creating something beautiful with my own hands. And it also resurrected the desire to move overseas…again.
I knew someday, after the boys were grown, I would (fingers crossed) find myself living abroad.

J.M (aka Army son) and J.W
In 2003, I married a wonderful man (my oldest son introduced us) who was born to travel. He would like nothing less than to experience other cultures and to play pack-mule (while carrying my “stuff”) when necessary. He enjoys being the photographer on occasion and takes some fab photos. Ray also contributes to the posts (I read them to him, and he gives a thumbs up or down). The down, I often ignore.
When Ray and I married, he bought into my plan to move overseas. (Yay, oh yay). But there are many other possibilities. Time will tell—chapter by chapter.
SPOILER ALERT: WE MOVED TO FRANCE…FULL-TIME…OVER THE MOON! It may not be the final destination, but it is a good fit currently.

I’m just an email away!