This has been an eventful week. Well, they all are eventful but this has moved into a realm of its own. To set the stage, hubby is “blog shy”. He used to cringe when I posted a photo of him on my old blog, or mentioned him in a blog post. He even seemed to know when I was “thinking” about mentioning him in a post. I blamed it on “old” age. Hehe. The “older” generation seems to be a bit paranoid about things like this….she said sarcastically and yes…I am of the “older” generation as well. Maybe a bit crazy…..
Several years ago, hubby was diagnosed with cancer. No details on that, I promised. TMI. He had treatment, surgery, treatment, treatment. The Dr’s were optimistic and then decided they would monitor every 3 months. We were thrilled. In April, He was told to make his next appointment for August, 4 MONTHS! This was huge. He saw the Dr. earlier this week and while not all results are in, he was told to make his next appointment for December. Another 4 MONTHS. We are so thankful! I really do believe that our Guardian Angel was pulling some strings. While I know he would love to “hang” with “big Daddy Dawg” (my son named him that when he met him as he is tall) he also knew that might put mama over the edge. We are absolutely thrilled. Thank you God!
I am very excited that those pesky shingles (get a vaccine) are winding down and I have fairly good vision in both eyes now. This is starting to sound like a country song. All in all, an amazing week.
Ok, on to WordPress. They have very helpful support pages. Slowly but surely I will conquer the fancy beast. Slowly but surely. I am determined.
If you have any tips about working with WordPress, don’t be shy. I appreciate any tips that can make this journey a bit easier. I have tried and tried to add a small pic that is visible when you see the post but have not been successful. I even clicked on thumbnail size. Well, that didn’t work but 2 pics of hubby is not a bad thing although I would like it the other way….
Well, that is all I have today. Thank you for visiting
Dearest Barb,
Okay first off, this is GREAT NEWS indeed!
So happy for the both of you.
As for WordPress, the only disadvantage to me has always been that on Blogger or wherever you publish WordPress blogs, it ONLY shows the written title and NO picture.
Having worked in training, both my husband and I always firmly believed in the power of VISUAL things like slides, photos or videos. That attracts people’s attention more than anything.
So I guess there is no way around it…
But it shows up on my sideline all right and also by subject and opening to the full page at once.
Sending you hugs and blessings for an ongoing smooth walk through life for both of you.
And yes, I too believe in our guardian angels up there!!!
Hi Mariette!
Thank you so much! We are over the moon.
I just figured out how to add a pic so it shows up where I want it. Yay!
sending much love my friend!
But not on my sideline…
oh my!
Oops need to click again for the follow-up comments…
Getting old!
I’m right there with ya. Hehe
Praise the Lord, Barb. Praise the Lord! And I am so sorry about your shingles… I had them last year, so I feel your pain. But rejoicing with you about hubby’s news.
Oh, and the new blog looks great… somehow I missed your last post. I have been using WordPress in some of my web design for the past few years and absolutely love it. Hope you will, as well.
Love and hugs,
Thank you Christi! We are thrilled. 3 years ago was a different story.
I just figured out how to add the pic so it shows right away on the post. Very different from blogger but I really do like it.
Sending love and hugs to your and the family.
Im supposed be out the door! But i glanced at my email and had to read this. Well my heart was on hold until I got to the good news. So happy to read this Barb. Love you much dear! Im like your hubby in that, i dont like posting pictures of myself on line. Only work related. Im old too, ah ha. But really i think its just how Ive always been, even when I was young. Sending love and blessings!! Now…im out the door. Love Andrea
Hi Andrea!
I am so glad to see you here. Haven’t been on IG for awhile. I’ve had to pick and choose. I know you “get” that. We are so excited. Everyday is a blessing and we were so thankful for the good news.
Sending love right back. XOXO
Im supposed be out the door! But i glanced at my email and had to read this. Well my heart was on hold until I got to the good news. So happy to read this Barb. Love you much dear! Im like your hubby in that, i dont like posting pictures of myself on line. Only work related. Im old too, ah ha. But really i think its just how Ive always been, even when I was young. Sending love and blessings!! Now…im out the door. Love Andrea
Ditto the above comment. XOXO.