It’s the trick, the trickiest time of the year! It’s also the last post of 2017 unless a miracle occurs. I believe in miracles, so you never know.
The last post I found my Ho Ho Ho. A few days ago, I lost HO one and HO two. I was at the dentist’s office to visit my hygienist. I adore her! If you are a Facebook friend, #Sammystrong is her son (he is doing very well—cancer, please leave this young man alone). I was sitting in the waiting room, flipping through magazines (they have the best). Christmas music was playing in the background.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas music, but a few songs have always brought tears and put me over the edge. The soundtrack had FOUR of the ‘offenders’ in a row.
I flipped the pages faster…tears started to well in my eyes, and the lump in my throat tightened. I was called back in the nick of time (although it might have been entertaining for the folks in the waiting room).
As I sat down in the chair, she asked how I was doing. The tears started to flow; I mean, really flow. That has not happened for a while. I told her it was the Christmas music (I’ll be home for Christmas, etc). She flipped a switch, and the music stopped in her room. We chatted, and I pulled myself together.
A good friend from Instagram reminded me that the holidays can be tricky. She has first-hand experience…we walk the same walk. It is okay not to be okay all of the time. So, with that being said…Ho, numbers one and two are slowly returning—one step at a time.
On a lighter note, I have a collection of La Tour Eiffel Christmas postcards purchased in France over the years. I couldn’t find any on my last visit, but I didn’t look that hard. I may have shared these on Facebook, but I can’t remember and don’t want to look. So, if you have seen them, I think they are worth a repeat. If you haven’t seen them, I think you’ll enjoy them.


It’s all in the teamwork!

My favorite

I threw that one in to see if you were awake. Hehe. Ray took that yesterday before we headed out to do some Christmas browsing. It was chilly (55 degrees, COLD for The Valley of the Sun). That’s a one-HO smile, by the way.
Seriously, I want to thank everyone who have visited this year. 2017 has been a pretty good year. Ray’s surgery was successful, and the cancer doc has given him another 4-month pass which is fantastic; we’ve had some exciting trips, met some wonderful people, and narrowed things down a bit. Doors have opened that I am incredibly thankful for and thrilled about.
It is the trick, trickiest time of the year, but it is also a beautiful time. We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2018.
Thank you Miss Barbara for yet another lovely story, I so so love the postcards. And may end up posting one on my Instagram account, but if I do so I will be sure to tag you in it, you and Ray have a lovely beautiful beautiful Christmas many blessings Robin
Hi Robin!
Aren’t those postcards cute? Please, post on IG, no worries.
I am sending Christmas love across the miles. I hope you have a beautiful white Christmas.
Happy New year to you and your family.
My Dear Friend,
I enjoyed reading this blog, it brought back fond memories of our times together. I always adored your wit and humor.
I know you’ve been through a lot! So, I just wanted to check in and say Hello:)
Keep blogging, shopping and traveling. May 2018 be as fantastic as your new boots.
With Love,
Hi Sherry!
Omg…what a wonderful surprise. We always had a good time together even when dealing with all of the drama and nonsense with work. Oh, those Clinique days…
I’m so glad you checked in. It has been a rough few years (actually decades as you know…). I’m so glad you are in my life.
I hope to keep blogging, shopping…you know it, and traveling.
Happy New Year honey!
Nothing like a prodigal Ho or two to brighten up your season. Glad you to hear things are well. Though Christmas being one of the most joyous times of the year can still throw a wrench into the wheel of life. I pray that you, and yours, have a wonderful Christmas.
A prodigal Ho? Hehe. It is very ture, Christmas is one of the most joyous times of the years but it can throw a “wrench” into our emotions.
Thank you for the Christmas wishes! Ray and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a totally fabulous new year.
These postcards are so cute!
You’re looking lovely as ever Barb! Love the boots and scarf (and the one Ho smile)!
Christmas can indeed be a tricky time. Makes us even more vulnerable than usual. You will be in my thoughts and prayers over the festive season, as always.
Merry Christmas
Hugs xx
Hi Suze!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. You have always been so supportive and I truly appreciate that!
Ray said, “smile” and I told him, “It’s a one HO smile.” I’m working on adding the other two HO’S but I think it may be sometime.
I am certainly feeling vulnerable…not a comfortable feeling at all. It helps to know that you are carrying me in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you!
When we do settle down, wherever that may be, you are most welcome…ANYTIME!
God bless you and Merry Christmas.
Dear Barb,
Hope you and yours have had a wonderful Christmas ⭐️❤️ and wishing you all the best for the New Year.
Maybe we’ll see you here one day?
Sunny ☀️cool ❄️ greetings from Provence…❤️
Hi Lis,
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it!
Thank you, we had a nice Christmas. I hope yours was nice as well. New Years…praying for the best for all of us.
Some of my fondest memories are of the holidays spent in France. Hopefully we will be there for Christmas 2018 (prayers said and fingers crossed).
Your property is gorgeous…we would love to visit. Dreams do come true!
Happy New Year!
P.S. It is sunny and the temperature is going up to almost 80 degrees today.