It is no surprise that France is one of our favorite countries, and Nice is one of our favorite cities. For years I had a business and blog called The French Elements. My boys loved France, and much time was spent there when they were young. When hubby and I married, we visited France on a very regular basis. He fell in love with it and has talked about ‘retiring for a few months a year to the south.’ The South of France was always a highlight for me, especially in February when Carnaval occurs. I have never been disappointed while visiting in the cooler months. There are fewer tourists so it is easier to visit the sites you’d like to see. We are not fans of high heat, wall-to-wall bodies, and traffic that doesn’t move, so it suits us to a T.
Carnaval in Nice is held every February and is over-the-top fun. We have had the pleasure of attending several and have been amazed by the creativity and the amount of work that goes into putting together such an event. Of course, there are parades. It wouldn’t be Carnaval without parades.
This is from the Carnaval King parade with the Le Meridian Hotel in the background. USA at its finest. The French have the best sense of humor, I think. This float is very tongue-in-cheek.
This was a rather large colorful character. No name needed.
Besides the daytime King Carnaval parades, there are well-lit night parades. They also have flower parades which are a treat. The riders on these floats throw armloads of flowers into the crowd. The goal is to catch as many flowers as you can. The flowers actually come from the Riviera. I like the fact they keep it local.
Besides world-class parades, there is music…lots of music. Bands accompany the floats, but there are bands set up around the old town.
This is Mr. Chasing the Next Chapter (Ray) taking some pics of one of the bands we listened to along the Promenade. One word-fantastic!
If you should plan a visit for February, make sure you spend time in Menton. It is minutes away by train, and they have the World renowned Fete du Citron. I promise you have NEVER seen anything quite like this. Also, in the town of Antibes, you’ll find the Pain, Amour, Chocolat festival, which occurs during Carnaval as well. With so much going on in such close proximity, I think you can agree that FEBRUARY is the best time to visit Nice.
For additional photos and to read more on carnaval, visit my article on MilesGeek.
Thank you for taking the time to visit! You are appreciated.
Great story. I love the way you led into it with that first picture. Southern France is one of my favorite places. Maybe I’ll see you both next time?
Hi Mikala,
Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment (not every visitor does that…). I know you are a fan of the South of France. It would be great if we could meet up in Nice. Now, that could be fun or a disaster. hehe.
Take care,
Hi Barb. I love cyber-traveling with you. And, The pics are wonderful! My parents honeymooned in Nice…over 65 yrs ago! I’ve always wanted to go there, for that reason alone. Lots of love to you and your husband! xoxo
Hi Andrea,
Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and comment. I love that you are cyber-traveling along!
That is a great phrase my friend. I bet Nice was incredible 65 years ago. It is just wonderful your parents honeymooned there…very romantic. Maybe we will meet up there someday. I know we would have a fun time. Hoping all is well. A few “hiccups” here but not complaining.
Take care and big hugs to you and hubby.
Nice would be nice (he, he… couldn’t resist that!) I have always wanted to get to France… all of it… south, north, east, west. There is just something about it that has always fascinated (haunted?) me. 🙂 Someday…
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!
Hi Christi!
Thank you for taking the time to visit and comment. It’s always appreciated. You would love France…all of it. It is such a beautiful country and I love the people. Never had a problem there. J.W. loved France, especially the south. That young man had great taste!
love and big hugs to you,
Hi Ann! Thank you so much for visiting and commenting; it is appreciated. Although I live in a different city in France, Nice has held a piece of my heart for decades. So, so beautiful.