Every year the company hubby works for, entices its employees to have physicals. They do this by offering a $50 gift card per person. Every year when I make my Dr appointment for the physical and I walk in I say “I’m here for the gift card”. The Dr does the physical, fills out the form, they fax it over to HR and voila… the magic card arrives. Of course when hubby has his physical, the magic gift card finds its way into my hands. A few years ago, I wanted a bike. For my 12th birthday I received a purple Schwinn. LOVED IT! When I relocated to CA with Clinique, the bike was on the moving truck. My beloved bike was stolen years later and I never replaced it. When we saw this bike online, I knew it was for me. The color is seafoam or mint green but after all those years, I call it Clinique green.
I only had to pay $10.00. While I liked it, I wanted to jazz it up a little bit.
This is so easy and so inexpensive. I put a photo on IG and had so many comments and DM’s about adding the baskets, I decided to share here.
I already had the baskets. I removed the original front wire basket and then attached my basket to the handlebars with luggage tag straps (from TWA!). The little bracket on the front of the bike I used some zipties for a better hold. That basket is stable.
If you look closely, you can see the black zipties. I used 2 of them.
Since my bike had a rear rack, I attached the basket with 4 zipties. The total cost was 10 cents for the zipties.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how it turned out. Very cute and practical.
So, with a relocation in our future… I would like to take my bike. Most likely this will not happen. I don’t think it would travel well over water but I don’t know. I will tell you that since we won’t be taking vehicles (seriously- Where is Barb? hehe) and will be using public transportation, I see bikes in our future.
Enjoy your day friends.
Always big hugs,
Barb, you look great. Life has been hard on you but love the smile, and yes, you have an Angel.
Thank you Char. That means a lot. Yep, he is my Angel now.
Oh my gosh!! That bike is so adorable, or maybe it's just you that makes it look that way!! I love the color and the baskets are too cute. I can tell, you and that bike are gonna travel many miles together!
Thank you Saimi! Riding this bike has become kind of therapeutic for me. I've loved it from the first day and now when I see the baskets added, I get all tickled again. Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate it.
I love the colour of your bike!
It is a calming color unless you worked for the company that used that color as part of the line! Hehe. I do flashback occasionally!
xoxo Elizabeth!
Look at you, soooooo cute on your bike! My daughter has the same one, love the added baskets! Have a blessed day! Go for a ride! HUGS!
Thank you Theresa! your daughter and I have great taste. You have a blessed day also. Dr appointment for me today. Ugh.
Bless your dear heart, Barb. I saw your comment left at Elizabeth's blog…it was right above mine, and I happened to see that you mentioned grief. It just tugged at my heart, so I followed you over here and read in your profile at the top left that you lost your son recently. Oh, dear friend! My heart goes out to you so much. I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and trusting God to comfort you as only He can. My family and I have suffered much grief over the past several years, and I so understand how much it hurts to lose those you love so deeply. I hope things work out for your move, and your bicycle is so pretty. I love the baskets! God bless you and hold you close and let you know how much He loves you.
oops. I left a reply just in the wrong area. I will get my blogging skills back.
Please read below Cheryl
Hi Cheryl! Is is very nice to meet you. I love Elizabeth, she is one lovely lady. She went out of her way to track to me down after my son died and I wasn't blogging. We go back a lonnnng way. Thank you for coming over. Your kind words mean more than you know. God is getting us through. I appreciate all your prayers, I'll take every one! I am sorry you have gone through so much loss too. I will keep you in my prayers and will come visit you later today. Off and running now! God bless you new friend.
Dearest Barb,
Wow, I made it again to reading blogs. Scanning will get done today, just some remnants left and I'm through with 36 photo albums. Can't believe that I tackled this MEGA task but I sure did. We rounded it off yesterday with a lovely 5-course dinner; a gift for husband Pieter for his 87th birthday. It could not have been at a better time; day after his birthday and job done. Now we both will find some more time to ride our Schwinn bikes! Your baskets do add a lovely touch and I find it genial in the way you added them.
Hugs and happy Sunday!
Hi Mariette,
You have been a busy bee! God bless your husband! 87 is EPIC. I know your love and encouragement have helped him through the health issues. Never easy….
Hope the bike ride was enjoyable. We went on one today and the front basket held the box of tissues (as usual). 10 months today.