So, we have (actually I have) been putting together a list of areas that might be relocation possibilities. I have been looking through pages of what is required for Americans to move to Europe and wondering why I didn’t just stay in Europe when I had the opportunity. It was so easy years ago. O.k. That would have changed my family structure….I can see J.W. rolling his eyes.
A few years ago on my other blog, I was talking about purchasing a fixer-upper in Italy and although it was tongue-in-cheek, a few sane people believed it. O.K, maybe not totally sane. While Italy is gorgeous, Spain has won my heart (O.K, many places have won my heart and Italy is not ruled out).
Well, here is what I call a fab fixer-upper in Spain. Segovia to be exact. Can you see the potential?
Look at those balconies. Hubby had a problem with the fact it was lacking a roof, walls, structure. No vision….sad. To be honest with you, I don’t think I have it in me to attempt something like this. A younger Barb would have been in without hesitation.
Isn’t this wonderful? Walls, windows, fireplace, charm and character in Madrid. So many possibilities. Hubby was a little worried that I was trying to break in when I kept creeping around the structure. Just checking out what was behind the building. Nothing more than that. Oh, I guess I should mention this is located in Campo Del Moro and state property (Royal at that). I guess I should be happy I wasn’t arrested. A small matter….
Well, after much discussion, when we do move, we just want to move in. Period. Of course this is subject to change but easy sounds just about perfect right now.
Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time researching Ecuador, It truly has so much to offer. I was horrified this morning when I turned on the news, God Bless those who have lost loved ones, or have been injured or have lost everything. I can’t imagine how horrific that earthquake must have been. My heart goes out to those in Ecuador and Japan. I have been through small quakes but obviously nothing like these earthquakes. I pray I never experience that.
Thank you for visiting friends. You are appreciated.
Always big hugs,
I don't know if you can get English TV programmes, but you might like this one.
Couples who want to relocate in a new country are given a tour of several properties which might suit them. I've seen Americans and others who were looking for a new home on the programme.
I have never seen this only House Hunters International. I will find it! There has to be a way. Thank you! Sending love to you and your sweet hubby.
Honey, that looks like a lotta work:) BUT, that being said… you could certainly fix it up:) Have a blessed day dear Barb! Sending HUGS your way this morning!
Right Theresa?! I believe I had a lapse of sanity when I started talking about fixing it up. Hehe. You have a blessed day too my friend. Off and running.
Dearest Barb,
Yes, we have been facing such an old home, on the top of a hill in Italy, on the foothills of the Dolomites. The chickens roamed freely and some old people living there. No paved road… Looking romantic in summer; YES. But rains do come and muddy roads are a complete different story and what if you forget something at the store. Distance and convenience will be more and more the things that weigh heavily on us.
Our friends in Italy have a dream home BUT when the weather is less than perfect (many days!) they love to huddle inside the kitchen where it is warm and cozy as the rest of the home with its thick walls, remains rather chilly without central air heating it… Wearing sweaters and using a woolen throw is not quite making up for cozy comfort.
Energy is very costly there, so it is only natural that it is being used 'wisely' but at what cost? For my Polymyalgia rheumatica I do prefer a warm and dry (not humid and chilly) home and a cozy bathroom.
Being on vacation some place is quite different from living there year round.
We lived and worked in the Venice area for about one year but longed to come home to Dublin, Georgia and build there a home; for many reasons. And yes, I at times long for Italy for other reasons… Here on earth we cannot create heaven yet!
But we all can dream and dream some more. The health issues are another major role that play in our lives. God forbid if we'd been in India or Indonesia at work when Pieter needed his quadruple bypass.
Sending you hugs and blessings,
Hi Mariette,
Thank you for visiting and sharing. I agree that being on vacation somewhere and actually living there are two different things. After living in NL and Switzerland, not an issue for me. I love seasonal changes (truly dislike the summer heat that lasts about 9 months in AZ). I do better with seasonal changes. Hubby does also (must stem from where we grew up). Put me in front of a fire with a sweater and I'm good. I'm actually good without central heat or AC. I've experienced both and did well in Europe and elsewhere. Just not in AZ where AC is pretty important. I dislike that. I must be an old soul.
I know energy is expensive but I see that here as well. $500+ electric bills during the lonnggg, hottttt, summer months are not pretty.
As far as health issues. in the past with loved ones, we actually received amazing treatment and I'm not talking about trivial matters but serious- could result in death issues (and not type ! diabetes actually). My experience was always positive. In fact, the most famous neurological institute in Az consulted with a Dr overseas regarding a loved one for many years. We are fairly young and I would like to believe have many years in front of us. If someone would have told me my youngest son would be dead at 32, I would not have believed it so who can say? Just God.
I am enjoying the research. Not sure where we will end up but it will be the right place for us.
Take good care,
Dear Barb, funny that you like the cooler weather and I thrive best in tropical conditions! Just hate winters and its moist and cold weather. Just went to see my nephrologist today and both of my kidneys function for 48%. Need to have an ultrasound since the last one was from 2013… I'm hoping and praying that I can stay for many years at a level that does not advance!
Sure you both will find your place and due to your age it will work. Pieter and I average 76… Different story!
Sending you hugs and blessings,
I'm praying that your kidney function will improve! Hubby and I average 60.5. Hehe.
We have time, God willing to figure out where we are supposed to be. We know the season of life in AZ is moving to a close. But first retirement…
Have a blessed evening
Hello Barb, Moving to Europe is a dream of mine, too. Unlikely to ever happen, but one never knows. Did you know that we did live in Ecuador for 21 years? I, too, was devastated by the news of the earthquake. So many people are still missing, and over 500 confirmed dead. Friends of ours are going down to the coast to help with medical teams.
If you would like to know anything about living in Ecuador, I'd be happy to answer questions.
Hi Lorrie,
I remember you lived in South America but didn't remember it was Ecuador. Small world! I was checking out Cuenca. The weather sounds amazing, healthcare, everything is a plus.
My heart goes out to the earthquake victims and their families. So tragic. I can't even begin to imagine. God bless your friends.
Hubby is a little bit leery of Ecuador. I pointed out earthquakes in other areas- U.S. for example.
I hope your dad is doing better. He has been in my prayers.